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Accessories! We can't live without them, right? When I was a child my Mother had maybe seven or eight pairs of shoes. I know, WTF!
And my Mother was (and still is) a fashionable woman. I have 64 pairs of shoes and that's only because I cull them regularly. I own 24 handbags - including clutch and evening - about 65 necklaces I have on rotation, 30 rings and about 25 bracelets, plus 12 brooches, 18 belts, 15 scarves, QUITE a lot of underwear and dozens upon dozens of pairs of patterned and fishnet stockings; again, becasue I cull my collections regularly.


So it would be safe to say that accessories play a leading role in my wardrobe and they may well play a leading role in yours.


So here is the place to come for accessoris galore, of all types and prices ranges - from rings, cuffs, hats and belts to shoes, swimwear and lingerie. You'll find ideas here.

{This Goes With That}

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