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Here you will find where to buy clothing, accessories, shoes, makeup, hair & beauty products and services, plus some of my favourite on-line stores especially those on Etsy.


I do not get paid to endorse products and I will ONLY feature products and services here that I have tried and found to be the same or better than the sellers claims.


OR I will feature a product or service I believe to be of good quality because of the reputation of the company.


I will never EVER knowingly endorse a product that is tested on animals or not sourced as ethically, responsibly and sustainably as possible.


I am not a vegetarian, vegan or 'greenie' - (not that there's anything wrong with that) but I do have ethics.


So you can be assured I have tested or tried everything on 'Buy Me' on this site, unless clearly stated otherwise.


You can try to pay me a million squillion dollars to approve something tested on animals but I will NEVER EVER accept.

{BUY ME for your Boudoir}

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