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Fashion has certainly been a passion of mine for a very long time. When I was a child my Father (who worked for Levi's) would bring home French fashion magazines..
What could a poor, helpless child do but plaster her walls with French fashion images? I know, it's practically child abuse!


I've never been a skinny-minny, I've always been size 12 - 16, but I'm tall (nearly 6') so I've never found it difficult to find fashion I LOVE. And believe me, I've been through plenty of "what was I thinking!" stages too.


Featured here are tons of cool & relevant information on what celebrities are wearing, who is bringing out new collections, when are the fashion festivals, what's hot, who's new, expert tips, advice from industry professionals and, of course, how you can get it.


Fashion magazines and their influence have never been far from my grasp, but I'll tell you this. You will NEVER see the words 'plus-size' on this site or any other for which I am Managing Editor. Plus-size is a crock! It's all healthily curvalicious and rubenesque, end of story!


AND you can find lots of quick and cute videos showing lots of fashion by clicking on 'Blog Me'

{Passionate Fashionista}

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